Excess inventory
We buy Electronics Excess Inventory. We only buy from OEM's, CM's, Military contractors. Not anyone that has Electronics Excess Inventory. We do not list our excess to the world. We only market to other OEM’s, CM’s and Military contractors.
The types of components we buy are:
- Active Components
- Audio Products
- Batteries, Chargers, Holders
- Cables, Wires
- Capacitors
- Circuit Protection
- Connectors, Interconnects
- Crystals and Oscillators
- Discrete Semiconductor Products
- Fans, Thermal Management
- Filters
- Inductors, Coils, Chokes
- Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- Isolators
- Memory Cards, Modules
- Optoelectronics
- Potentiometers, Variable Resistors
- Power Supplies - Board Mount
- Relays
- Resistors
- RF and RFID
- Semiconductor Modules
- Sensors, Transducers
- Switches
- Transformers
and all board level electronic components.